Vitamin D is an extremely important nutrient that has powerful effects on the body. But despite its importance, many people just don’t seem to get the required daily dose. In fact, over 40% of American adults, as well as approximately 1 billion people worldwide, are vitamin D deficient!
If you don’t know, a few foods contain vitamin D; and most of it is actually produced in your skin in response to UV rays from the sun – which is why it’s sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin”.
2Muscles/Bone Pains

Vitamin D plays an important role in the support of muscle function. When metabolized, vitamin D enters your muscles and ensures proper muscle contraction. This is also vital for building muscle strength. However, if you’re experiencing muscle pain that is not due to exertion, it may be due to insufficient levels of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is vital for ensuring bone tissue replacement, and a serious deficiency can cause bones to soften. Since muscle pain and bone pain often resemble each other, it’s important to know how to differentiate one from the other. Muscle pain is usually concentrated in one specific location and is aggravated by physical activity.